Health & Safety Policy Statement
CDM Group will provide and maintain, so far as is responsibly practicable, a healthy working environment to all employees and contractors with whom we have control. We will also protect all those third parties with whom our acts and omissions may potentially effect. We will endeavour to promote a good safety culture within the organization which will call upon all employees and contractors to play their part to ensure the success of the policy statement. We encourage a culture of openness and cooperation within our workforce at all levels to ensure that practical, achievable safety standards are agreed and maintained by everyone within the organisation. At no time will programme or financial burdens come before health and safety of our employees, contractors or third parties.
Senior management accept that keeping up to date on matters of health and safety is an essential part of their role. Key responsibilities for the success of this policy is reinforced by the commitment of senior management to ensure that the responsibilities and arrangements at all levels are detailed within this document are carried out fully, to ensure the success of this policy is attained.
We will consult with all levels of the business to ensure all have a voice to play their part to manage risk and assist to input suitable controls. We strive to continually improve health and safety performance so the business will provide training to all levels of the organisation for the safe operation of all tools and equipment as well as to all levels of the organisation competent to undertake its various departmental roles.
Procedures will be made available for all, to ensure a consistent approach is attained to enable a high standard of process delivery, with a right first time frame of mind. Health and Safety shall never be compromised for other objectives.
Sufficient resources will be put in place for monitoring and auditing of the implementation of this policy, and where failings are found, management action will be taken to correct any non-conformance.
All accidents, incidences and near misses will be reported to the head office at the earliest convenience. Investigations will be carried out as soon as possible to determine the cause and remedial actions as to ensure that maximum learning can be achieved for future works.
Arrangements for emergency procedures will be in place and all personnel familiarised and are provided with adequate information and training.
All persons within the organisation hold responsibilities for health and safety.